“In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”
- Abraham Maslow
With the theme 'Power’, apt for the current times, we came together on the 8th, 9th and 10th of January, exploring and discovering what power means to us personally, professionally, and as a community.
A step forward into the future – This was the MLL 2021, the very first online multilevel learning. It was a seamlessly organized virtual event with all the learning and warmth any SAATA event has where hugs were replaced by joyous smiles.

Together, we delved into what power meant to us, the different dimensions of power that are relevant in the various roles we take up and the ethical considerations and responsibilities that come with power.
It was a powerful learning experience, indeed. Despite being virtual, what shone through effortlessly was the essence of OKness, not just in ‘You’ and ‘I’, but in ‘US’ as a community. To many more!
Here is what Chandra Mohan S shares after attending MLL 2021:
The theme of Multilevel learning (MLL) 2021 was 'Power'. The 3 varied aspects of Power; Personal, Professional & World community were the topics discussed and learnt over 3 days of MLL 2021, convened in Jan'21.
Diane Salters, the Keynote speaker, delivered an audacious speech. She detailed various intricacies of Power. In her speech she covered Autocratic Power System and Karpman's Drama Triangle of Power, incorporating Sociohistorical context as well. Interesting aspect in it is role of Bystanders, who are not part of the drama triangle but passively supports Master/Followers power system from within fueling the Autocratic system. She quoted Claude Stiner's antidote to authoritarian power and concluded with 7 sources of power with authentic roles, based on the seven chakras.
This was the first MLL I attended and got to experience learning in multi-levels. For the first time MLL was conducted online. It was organized so well that experience was no lesser than face to face setting. Lunch breaks were used for networking online.
Please accommodate more participants in the coming MLLs leveraging the power of online to rope in more number of trainers from across the world. That would enable varied learning to the TA community. |