Miscellaneous News
Two articles by SAATA members were published in the last two issues of the Transactional Analysis Journal. One was by Aruna Gopakumar and the other was by Anisha Pandya, who co-authored with Giles Barrow. Congratulations to the authors! Here are the citation details and the abstracts of the two articles.
Aruna Gopakumar (2021) Story Options: A Technique for Transforming Narrative Through Playful Emotional Exploration, Transactional Analysis Journal, 51:4, 364-378, DOI: 10.1080/03621537.2021.1975080
This article introduces Story Options, a technique for collaborative meaning making from client stories whereby a client’s story is imaginatively retold by members of a group. The article invites reflection on how scripts are constructions in the present that are accessible through the stories that clients share and provides a rationale for how working with client stories can alter scripts. The author describes the method along with a brief description of the psychodramatic techniques from which it draws. A case study illustrates the process. The role of play and permissions in creating positive therapeutic outcomes is explored.
Giles Barrow & Anisha Pandya (2021) Beej Raksha: Reframing Cure in the Sacred Domain, Transactional Analysis Journal, 51:3, 292-302, DOI: 10.1080/03621537.2021.1948676
The authors offer a cross-cultural account of healing and cure that can be useful across all fields of application in transactional analysis. Specifically, ideas from an Indian perspective are presented in which the role of guru energy and witnessing are reframed with illustrations using case material. The authors introduce a third level of communication and a fifth rule of communication that account for a sacred quality in the exploration of healing and cure.