saata VOL: 1, ISSUE: 1 - Dec 2021 facebook


Updates from our SAATA President’s Desk

Greetings from me to all SAATA members! 

It's been an exciting and action-packed quarter at SAATA.

Ragini Rao, TSTA-P
President, SAATA

All divisions of SAATA have initiated and completed significant tasks in their portfolio.

  • Professional Standards Committee is working on re-formulating the Advanced diploma curriculum
  • Research and publications team - Initiating the research project
  • The Operations team- Launch of the Operations manual
  • The Development team - Working creatively to ensure SAATA has high visibility on social media platforms

At SAATA from April to Sept 2021, we have had 6 trainer’s meetings to address, discuss and review the above initiatives, fulfilling the objective of these meetings.

We have also initiated a new initiative called ‘process meet’ with a facilitator from outside SAATA for the last few years. The recent one was held in June 2021 with John Heath providing the third-eye perspective for us. This meet is open to all certified members of SAATA.  Process groups are typically held to invite group members to become aware of their unconscious process that could be emerging when interacting with other group members. The closed group and safe space that is created helps individuals to put out what they may be sitting with, making their covert process overt.

This year the SAATA meetings took a different turn. The discussions were focused on creating a vision for SAATA. Through discussions many important aspects emerged. The highlights of the discussion were: 

Short-term goals 

  • All Certified Members in the region (TSTAs, PTSTAs and CTAs) and their trainees will be members of SAATA.
  • Bring together under one umbrella all practicing Transactional Analysis professionals in the region to foster synergy.
  • Design a training and examination handbook to suit the regional needs.
  • To design and offer courses in Transactional Analysis in between the TA 101 and CTA to suit the local requirements and certify those who fulfil the requirements.

Long-term goals 

  • Establishing professional identity and represent SAATA in global TA community.

  • Promote cooperation in the South Asian region.
  • Promote research.
  • Ensure TA training and practice, code of ethics is relevant to the region. 
  • Synthesize eastern philosophies of culture to TA theory and practice.

We look forward to receiving new ideas from all of you for SAATA to grow and expand!

From the Editorial Desk




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