Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Bliss
Contact Number: +91 9820305886
Email: anisha.pandya@gmail.com
Website: www.anishapandya.com
Qualification: Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA)
Field of Training: Counselling
Institute Name: Anna Chandy
Contact Number: 9845214227
Website: www.annachandy.com
Qualification: PTSTA (P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Spanda
Contact Number: 9449002869
Website: www.spanda.asia
Qualification: PTSTA (P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Navgati
Email: aruna.navgati@gmail.com
Website: www.navgati.in
Qualification: Masters in Psychology, TSTA (P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Contact Number: 9845015085
Email: chitra.seed@gmail.com, chitra.seedtlc@gmail.com
Website: www.seedtlc.com
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA), PTSTA
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Email: deepak.dhananjaya@gmail.com
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Field of Training: Organization
Name of the Institute: Geographical
Location: Bangalore
Email: ericleejames@gmail.com
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst-Psychotherapy (CTA-P),Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (PTSTA-P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Independent Practice
Email: zutshig@gmail.com
Qualification: MA Socio, MSc Psych, PTSTA -, PAT, Psychodrama Director CP
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: SAAZ
Email: hasina.manipal@gmail.com
Website: www.lifelabintl.com
Field of Training: ORGANIZATIONAL
Contact Number: 9942081068
Email: mohanrajia68@gmail.com
Website: www.relationswork.in
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst
Field of Training: Counselling
Institute Name:
Geographical Location: Gurgaon, India
Email: learn@jaipreetsingh.com
Website: www.jaipreetsingh.com
Qualification: CTA
Field of Training: Counselling
Institute Name: ITAA
Contact Number: 9845072057
Website: jalajapillai@yahoo.com
Qualification: M.Sc.(App.Psy) PTSTA (P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Breakfree
Contact Number: +91 99000 63215
Email: joyroshan@gmail.com
Website: www.thebreakfreetherapy.com
Qualification: CTA-P, M.Sc. Applied Psychology, M.S. Counselling and Psychotherapy
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Inner Dawn Counselling and Training Services
Geographical Location: Bangalore
Work Mode: Online and In Person
Contact Number: 9632146316
Email: kala.balasubramanian@gmail.com
Website: www.innerdawn.in
Qualification: M.D. Dip NB, PGDHRM, TSTA(E)
Field of Training: Education,Counselling
Institute Name: SHALOM Institute of Excellence
Contact Number: +91 9446138580, +91 9446477546
Email: marina.rajan@gmail.com
Website: www.shalomforta.com
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA)
Field of Training: Counselling
Name of the Institute: Tanmaatra Consulting
Geographical Location: Bangalore, India
Email: piyush.tanmaatra@gmail.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/piyushdixit
Website: www.tanmaatra.com
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: -
Contact Number: 080 25802749, 9620300504
Email: prathithag@gmail.com
Website: Under preparation
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Email: priya.sathyasundar@gmail.com
Qualification: MA (Psy), Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Infinum Growth Insights
Contact Number: +918884974888
Email: raginirao04@gmail.com
Website: www.infinumgrowth.com
Qualification: MA, MBA, PTSTA(O),TSTA(O) , Psychodrama Director
Field of Training: Organisation, Counselling
Institute Name: ASHA / Relations
Contact Number: 98652 58463
Email: mail.raguraman@gmail.com
Website: www.asha-net.com
Qualification: CTA (C )
Contact Number: +91 99350 91585
Website: http://www.annachandy.com/associates/
Qualification: CTA(E), M.Sc Psychology, M.B.A
Field of Training: Education and Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Lyminality Pvt Ltd
Email: rose@lyminality.com
Contact Number: 9840749596
Qualification: TSTA(P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: PHYSIS
Contact Number: 9845129455
Email: sailaja@physis.co.in
Website: www.physis.co.in
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: NA
Contact Number: 9884402350
Email: sarmishtamani@gmail.com
Website: NA
Qualification: PhD.,PTSTA (P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapist & Trainer
Institute Name: Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore
Contact Number: 9446477546
Email: smprdhn@gmail.com
Qualification: CTA in Counselling,PTSTA(Counselling),TSTA (Counseling),
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Contact Number: +919448879645
Email: sudhathimaiah@gmail.com
Qualification: TSTA-Organisational
Field of Training: Organisation ,Counselling,Education
Institute Name: Relations Institute of Development
Contact Number: 9942081078
Email: suriya.sunshine@gmail.com
Website: www.relationswork.in
Qualification: PhD., TSTA(P)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Poornam, Institute for Holistic Development
Contact Number: 044-24950398, +91 9840123048
Email: susangeorge4@yahoo.com
Qualification: Phil. Counselling psychology
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Email: sushma.mr1128@gmail.com
Qualification: CTA, MSc. Psychological counselling, International Diploma in Group work practice.
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Institute Name: Geographical Location: Bangalore
Contact Number: +91 8971405284
Email: vaaru.sundar@gmail.com
Qualification: Certified Transactional Analyst (also a certified coach in Erickson Solution Focussed coaching, and an MBA and published author, if at all relevant here)
Field of Training: Psychotherapy
Name of the Institute: (I trained in TA with Aruna Gopakumar, and have got my masters from IIM-Bangalore)
Geographical Location: Bangalore
Email: yashodhara.lal@gmail.com
Website: allsomeness.in