Membership Details

It’s great that you are considering signing up for SAATA membership or are renewing your existing membership. Being a member of SAATA makes you part of a vibrant and growing community of Transactional Analysts and those interested in Transactional Analysis.

SAATA Membership benefits

  • You receive SAATA publications like the newsletter and SAJTA along with newsletters from ITAA and other affiliated organizations from around the world.

  • SAATA members can also avail discounted rates for various SAATA events like Multilevel Learning (MLL), workshops and annual conferences.

  • Having a valid SAATA membership for 1 years is also a prequisite for writing the SAATA diploma and advanced diploma examinations.

  • Attend the SAATA Annual General Meeting

Membership Fee effective from January 1, 2023



Fees (Exclusive of 18% GST )


Voting Rights

Certified Member

Passed CTA

Rs. 1500

One year from the date of registration


Life Member

Passed CTA

Rs. 15000

15 years from date of registration


Trainee Member

Currently in TA training and endorsed by a SAATA trainer (PTSTA/ TSTA)

Rs. 800

One year from the date of registration



Anyone interested in Transactional Analysis

Rs. 600

One year from the date of registration


Validity of Membership

Membership period is valid for one year from the date of registration (other than for Life Members)

Members who have defaulted payment for more than 1 year will be removed from the membership list.

Registration process

For new member registration

If you are new to SAATA and registering for the first time, please click on the New Member Registration link under the membership tab.

Once you choose the type of membership you are signing for and click on that tab, it will take you to a registration page. Once you complete the registration form and make the payment, you will receive an email from us welcoming you to SAATA with a link to the Zoho client portal. Click on that link to create an account and password which can then be used to access all your membership data on the portal page.

For membership renewal

If you are an existing member and wish to renew your membership, you can go to the Membership Renewal page on the website. Here, you can login with your Zoho account password and it will take you to your client portal page and you can renew your subscription.

In case you have not created your Zoho account, please set it up at the Renewal page.

Once you set this up, it will take you to your client portal page. This page is always accessible to you with your password and it will have the details of your subscriptions, payments made, renewal date etc. It will also allow you to renew your subscription.

Response Time for Registration 

  • Approval within 15 days from the date of registration.

  • If you don’t get an acknowledgement email please check your spam folder – sometimes emails land there.

  • If you do not find your name listed even after two weeks of registering online with complete payment and other details, please write to

Modes of Fee Payment

Razorpay Payment Gateway – accessible through membership registration or renewal page. No other mode of payment like bank transfer or cash is accepted. Conditions for attending SAATA events at member rates

  • Must have become a member at least 3 months before the event

Conditions for applying for Diploma / Advanced Diploma exams at member rates

  • Trainee member with current membership for at least 2 consecutive years

  • Completed other requirements as specified in the handbook

  • Member of good standing

For further queries please contact