Behind the scenes of Diploma Writing – the conversations in our head
Vijaya: When I heard, to write one essay question for a diploma, I thought this is about me, can it be so difficult?
Ravi: Trainer commented 'Very nice flow!' and I thought “Oh okay! Super!” It’s so easy.
Mathangi: I had no concept of what goes in the essay, how to connect theory with my thought process. When I sent the first one and the trainer said, “it’s quite good”. I feel like it’s done!!! A few days later, it came back with “more comments”, and then the back and forth began
Ravi: Trainer asked us to look at the handbook, how they assess and look for consistency across all essays in terms of content and clarity. There shouldn’t be any conflicting information and this is important to academic writing.
Vijaya: I too thought about how to connect concepts or retain congruence between four essays?
Ravi: Initially, I thought I understood the drama triangle; ego states I function from and how I enter and exit games. As I wrote I recognized my patterns. I wrote interpersonal communication. Susan said, “very nice! Please come over”. During discussion, I realized the essay was an intrapsychic process. She said, this is good, just change the question!
(All laugh)
Ravi: Susan said “you are seeing clients why don't you write about diagnosis?” I was like Finally, it came up well. Confidence from the first two essays helped.
Mathangi: Reading essays again brings clarity, but after a couple of reads, I got tired. I remember eagerly awaiting mail from my trainer.
When the essay goes back and forth, a lot happens within us? I wanted it to be over.
Ravi: For me the Be perfect and Please others were emerging. When my trainer was happy, I was happy.
Mathangi: In TA, people have been on the journey for long. In spite of the effort in showing up for weekend classes, supervision, making the presentations; expected outcomes (Diploma, Adv. Diploma) is not realized.
Ravi: They have knowledge and are consistent in their effort. Some may be writing a draft, some could be reviewing and stopping there.
Mathangi: Perhaps essays going back and forth is difficult? if it’s one shot it will get over.
Vijaya: It’s how much a person invests in this. Writing is a journey into personal space.
Ravi: Writing is commitment to self and level of self-work is considered here.
Mathangi: I think the process of waiting for feedback is also life learning.
Ravi: You learn to take feedback, criticism, compliments.
Vijaya: Learning happens with writing; exams give a glimpse of who we are under stress, what do we do which is part of our script? Do I complete what I start?
Ravi: We climb one mountain…and then there is another….
Vijaya: I did not consider passing an achievement. Then I decided to ignore my marks and celebrate. Irrespective of when and how I cross the finish line I am not going to discount my achievements.
Silence for some time from everyone…
Mathangi: Some of the old memories I have let go some time back returned when I started doing TA.
Ravi: TA brings a lot of new things to our consciousness.
- Mathangi Ramprasad, Ravi Ramanathan and Vijaya Ramkumar