And am on the team because …
“I am really enjoying my journey as a SAATA member and am keen to contribute to the community in my way – the newsletter is one of the things that brings us together.“
Some of my ‘you-ness’ for you… “I laugh loudly and freely often at silly, small things. I am a hugger and hug people without warning. My special talent is to be the blingiest person in any room.
And my pursuit of happiness involves…
“traveling, shopping, movies, reading and doing nothing.”
And some of mine are…
“Disloyalty and when people don’t apply themselves”
Some quirkiest things people have said about me are…
“Only 36 changes for 12 days – did you travel light?” Don’t call her before noon, she is a better person then Don’t plan to sleep if she is planning the trip She is always on time – 30 minutes later Don’t try to surprise her please I knew it was you from your hair You have to come here! It’s a really boring party! “What did you do now I have a fancy dress party to go to – can I raid your cupboard? Don’t mess with her”.